We didn't see much of the city. The center is concentrated on the south far island with its town hall and churches with a pretty stone-paved square. We didn't have time to visit the Marine Museum, nor their so-called Chinese wall along with the former naval headquarters.
Instead, we joined our couchsurfer host at his flat near BTH up north. He showed us the campus with the nice library starring at the lake. We walked along the path till a small oasis of calm with the flat water. People were having a barbecue party.
Later, we biked to the island on the west of the city center to Dragsö and Saltö. I came across a little fox that flew away into the wood. On the second island, the platforms laid down in front of a large and flat lake. This calming vision made us want to walk on the water. You could see some boats were drifting on this relaxing landscape.
For dinner, we went to the city center escaping the rain as it was getting stronger. Our feet led us to the movie teater restaurant. Models of Star Wars were standing side to side Alien's reproduction on a very SciFi setting. The price of the burgers was justified by the atmosphere more than by the food itself.
Eventually, we came back home all wet with our bikes for a good night sleep before the game get started !